GoldenGate – SCN translation
On GoldenGate when you do “SEND <extract> status” you get a SCN field which does not correspond to the database SCN:
GGSCI> send e_test status
Sending STATUS request to EXTRACT E_TEST …
Current status: Recovery complete: Processing data
Current read position:
Redo thread #: 1
Sequence #: 198315
RBA: 335376
Timestamp: 2013-11-11 16:11:57.000000
SCN: 78.924145222
Current write position:
Sequence #: 1548
RBA: 401683
Timestamp: 2013-11-11 16:12:31.811533
Extract Trail: /acfs/goldengate/dirdat/test/tt
SQL> select current_scn from v$database;
To translate that SCN into the database SCN there is the calculation to make:
78 * (2^32) + 924145222 = 335931594310or with a hexadecimal translation:
78 to hexa ==> 4E
924145222 to hexa ==> 37155646
4E37155646 to decimal ==> 335931594310
Well, with the most recent versions of GoldenGate you can simply to “INFO <extract>” and you get the database SCN between parentheses.