On my series of using datapump with remap_schema and virtual columns, I end up yesterday with a new case:
– impossible to change a virtual column after the referenced function does not exist anymore.
This bug is present on, corrected on
SQL> grant connect,resource to u1 identified by u1; Grant succeeded. SQL> connect u1/u1 Connected. SQL> create or replace function f1 (v1 number) return number DETERMINISTIC as begin return v1; end; / Function created. -- Create table with virtual column referencing the function SQL> create table t1 (c1 number, c2 number as (f1(c1))); Table created. SQL> drop function f1; Function dropped. -- Try to change the virtual column. Impossible! SQL> alter table t1 drop column c2; alter table t1 drop column c2 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00904: "U1"."F1": invalid identifier -- Workaround is to recreate the function... -- clean up SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected. SQL> drop user u1 cascade; User dropped.