The DBT-16051 when creating a standby database using DBCA is still around. 7 years after.

Sometimes I ask myself why some bugs are not solved. When looking for DBT-16071 we find a blog post from Frank Pachot from more than 7 years ago. He shows that with Oracle 12.2 you can “create” standby databases directly with dbca. But that the script does only a duplicate for standby and nothing more.

I decided to try with 19.22 to see how the situation evolved. It didn’t.

The first thing I got was a DBT-16051 error:

$ dbca -createDuplicateDB -gdbName anjodb01 -primaryDBConnectionString "anjovm01.local.wsl/anjodb01_s1.local.wsl" -sid anjodb01 -createAsStandby -dbUniqueName anjodb01_s2 -silent
Enter SYS user password:
[FATAL] [DBT-16051] Archive log mode is not enabled in the primary database.
   ACTION: Primary database should be configured with archive log mode for creating a duplicate or standby database.

Quick check shows the primary is correctly in archivelog mode. The problem is the Easy Connect string. The string I gave “anjovm1.local.wsl/anjodb1_s1.local.wsl” works well on sqlplus, but not with dbca. There you need to specify the port, also when you are just using the default one:

$ dbca -createDuplicateDB -gdbName anjodb01 -primaryDBConnectionString "anjovm01.local.wsl:1521/anjodb01_s1.local.wsl" -sid anjodb01 -createAsStandby -dbUniqueName anjodb01_s2 -silent
Enter SYS user password:
[WARNING] [DBT-10331] Specified SID Name (anjodb01) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
   CAUSE: The specified SID Name without the trailing numeric characters ({2}) may have a potential conflict with an already existing database on the system.
   ACTION: Specify a different SID Name that does not conflict with existing databases on the system.
Prepare for db operation
22% complete
Listener config step
44% complete
Auxiliary instance creation
67% complete
RMAN duplicate
89% complete
Post duplicate database operations
100% complete

The warning DBT-10331 appears because I’ve a “anjodb02” in the same VM, and this could create a problem, as they share the prefix “anjodb”. I don’t expect on a single instance environment that to be a problem though.

And it starts the new standby in ‘read only’ mode, which requires adequate licenses.

SQL> select name, db_unique_name, database_role, open_mode, dataguard_broker from v$database;

--------- ------------------------------ ---------------- -------------------- --------

For the moment, I’ll stay with my set of scripts which do the operations in the right way.

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