My Oracle Support

Opatchauto does not work without DB created. And Oracle support… well

Few months ago I hit an interesting case. After installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Database software on a server, the new Release Update come out and I wanted to use opatchauto to apply it automatically on both homes.

It doesn’t work.

sudo ${ORACLE_HOME}/OPatch/opatchauto apply -phBaseDir /tmp/RU_19c_JAN2021/32126842 -prepare-clone -silent /tmp/RU_19c_JAN2021/
OPATCHAUTO-72128: Cannot execute out of place patching prepare session.
OPATCHAUTO-72128: Clone home properties /tmp/RU_19c_JAN2021/ specified has entry for non requested home(s) [/u00/app/oracle/product/19.8.0].
OPATCHAUTO-72128: Please correct properties file and re-run out of place patching prepare operation.
OPatchAuto failed.

The setup is all correct, opatchauto is the latest version (, as of February 2021), the inventory has the two homes:

<HOME NAME="OraGI19Home1" LOC="/u00/app/grid/19.8.0" TYPE="O" IDX="1" CRS="true"/>
<HOME NAME="OraDB19Home1" LOC="/u00/app/oracle/product/19.8.0" TYPE="O" IDX="2"/>

The file has the name of these homes:


The only “problem” is that no database is created. In fact, the workaround is just to register a fake DB on the CRS:

srvctl add db XX -oraclehome /u00/app/oracle/product/19.8.0

Then the opatchauto works.

I open a SR with Oracle. Inform about the OPatch bug and ask what is the meaning of the OPATCHAUTO-72128 error, because there is no documentation of Opatchauto.

The normal ping-pong with Oracle support starts, they ask me to run with maximum debug level before they can do something. I say that the complete use case is already described and they can try in-house and can/should open a bug.

No success. The support person says that if the customer doesn’t do more work, Oracle doesn’t care about the bug and problem will remain unfixed. I inform that I will blog about this bug, so that the community is aware.

Final answer from this SR:

“Knowledge content not created because the issue was resolved by the customer with no further information provided. Also no further ODM headings were used for the same reason.”

Go to MOS directly from Google results – part 2

We know that Metalink search engine is not the fastest one. Luckily My Oracle Support is now partly accessible directly from Google Search.

Using a shortcut, we can quickly limit our search to My Oracle Support website. Then using the URL Redirector as explained here, one jumps directly to the Oracle note.

On Chrome (similar on Firefox and Edge) it is possible to set Search Engine shortcuts.

Just go to chrome://settings/searchEngines and add a new search engine as below :

For easy copy/paste:

Search engine: Oracle Support
Keyword: mos

Now we have a quick way into MOS:


Go to MOS directly from Google results – part 1

I’m sure you know this annoying sequence, when you click on a My Oracle Support result from Google:

It would be nice to go from the Google results page directly into the MOS website.

This can be easily done with a Google Chrome (I believe also exists for Firefox and Edge) that rewrites the URL.

I used Redirector which I configured with:

To make copy/paste easier:

Redirect: ^(?:https?://)*)/(.*)_([0-9]).html

Now from Google results I go directly the Oracle Support note page. 🙂

Oracle licensing options usage – report from Oracle support

Less than a month ago, Oracle support released a major update of the reporting script for options/features/packs usage. It can be found at:

Database Options/Management Packs Usage Reporting for Oracle Databases 11gR2, 12c, 12cR2 and 18c (Doc ID 1317265.1)

It is a simple script that takes no time to execute. It will show both product and feature usage, including parameters that enable packs, like control_management_pack_access (Diagnostics and Tuning part) and enable_ddl_logging (Lifecycle Management pack). When run on a container database, it will show the feature usage per PDB.

It is important to know that it is based on DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view, which is updated once a week. You can trigger an manual update using the information at How to Manually Refresh Dba_feature_usage_statistics (Doc ID 1629485.1)

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter session set "_SWRF_TEST_ACTION"=53;
SQL> alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
SQL> select MAX(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE) from dba_feature_usage_statistics;

More details on each paid feature of Oracle Database Options and Packs can be found in the Oracle 12.2 Database Licensing Information guide (same for 11.2, 12.1 and 18c).

An example of the output of the script can be found below:

Database Options/Management Packs Usage Reporting for Oracle Databases 11gR2, 12c, 12cR2 and 18c (Doc ID 1317265.1)

SQL> @options_packs_usage_statistics.sql

HOST_NAME                               |INSTANCE_NAME   |DATABASE_NAME |OPEN_MODE       |DATABASE_ROLE   |CREATED            |      DBID|VERSION    |BANNER
anjovm1                                 |ANJOCDB         |ANJOCDB       |READ WRITE      |PRIMARY         |2018.01.31_08.47.22| 380093466| |Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

PARAMETER                     |VALUE
enable_ddl_logging            |FALSE

MULTITENANT INFORMATION (Please ignore errors in pre 12.1 databases)

CON_ID|NAME                          |OPEN_MODE       |RESTRICTED|REMARKS
     1|CDB$ROOT                      |READ WRITE      |NO        |*CURRENT CONTAINER is CDB$ROOT. Information for all open PDBs will be listed.
     2|PDB$SEED                      |READ ONLY       |NO        |
     3|ANJOPDB1                      |READ WRITE      |NO        |

The multitenant architecture with one user-created pluggable database (single tenant) is available in all editions without the Multitenant Option.
If more than one PDB containers are created, then Multitenant Option licensing is needed



     1|        380093466|       |2018.09.01_06.37.39|2018.09.06_09.19.25|
     3|        380093466|       |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.09.06_09.19.25|


CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE
--ALL--                       |Active Data Guard                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Advanced Analytics                                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Advanced Compression                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Advanced Security                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Database In-Memory                                 |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40
--ALL--                       |Database Vault                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Diagnostics Pack                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.05.26_12.27.59|2018.09.01_06.37.39
--ALL--                       |Label Security                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Multitenant                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
--ALL--                       |OLAP                                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Partitioning                                       |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |RAC or RAC One Node                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Real Application Clusters                          |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Real Application Testing                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Spatial and Graph                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Tuning Pack                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.Database Gateway                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.Exadata                                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.GoldenGate                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.HW                                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.Pillar Storage                                    |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |

CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE
CDB$ROOT                      |Active Data Guard                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Database In-Memory                                 |CURRENT_USAGE    |2018.09.01_06.37.39|2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_06.37.39
CDB$ROOT                      |Database Vault                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39|2018.05.26_12.27.59|2018.09.01_06.37.39
CDB$ROOT                      |Label Security                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Multitenant                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |OLAP                                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Partitioning                                       |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters                          |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Database Gateway                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Exadata                                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.GoldenGate                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |

CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE
ANJOPDB1                      |Active Data Guard                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Database In-Memory                                 |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.06.02_18.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40
ANJOPDB1                      |Database Vault                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Label Security                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |OLAP                                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Partitioning                                       |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters                          |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Database Gateway                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Exadata                                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.GoldenGate                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |


CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |FEATURE_BEING_USED                                      |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |      DBID|VERSION    |DETECTED_USAGES|TOTAL_SAMPLES|CURRENTLY_USED|FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE    |EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO
CDB$ROOT                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Global Data Services                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |Data Mining                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Advanced Index Compression                              |SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG   |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup HIGH Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup LOW Compression                                  |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup MEDIUM Compression                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup ZLIB Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Data Guard                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |HeapCompression                                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Heat Map                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Information Lifecycle Management                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Advanced Network Compression Service             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             10|           31|TRUE          |2018.05.19_10.21.15|2018.09.01_06.37.39|compression used: 0 times
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Compression (user)                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Deduplication (user)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Data Redaction                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Encrypted Tablespaces                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             10|           31|TRUE          |2018.05.19_10.21.15|2018.09.01_06.37.39|encryption used: 0 times
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |SecureFile Encryption (user)                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Transparent Data Encryption                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Aggregation                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_06.37.39|
CDB$ROOT                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Column Store                                  |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_06.37.39|
CDB$ROOT                      |Database Vault                                     |Oracle Database Vault                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Database Vault                                     |Privilege Capture                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |ADDM                                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline Template                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Report                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Automatic Workload Repository                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Adaptive Thresholds                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Static Computations                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |EM Performance Page                                     |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              5|           31|TRUE          |2018.05.26_12.27.59|2018.09.01_06.37.39|
CDB$ROOT                      |Label Security                                     |Label Security                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Multitenant                                        |Oracle Multitenant                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             31|           31|TRUE          |2018.01.31_15.38.04|2018.09.01_06.37.39|AUX_COUNT=1
CDB$ROOT                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Analytic Workspaces                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Cubes                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Partitioning                                       |Partitioning (user)                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Partitioning                                       |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |Quality of Service Management                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters                          |Real Application Clusters (RAC)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |Real Application Cluster One Node                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Capture                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Replay                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |SQL Performance Analyzer                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |Spatial                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Access Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Monitoring and Tuning pages                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Profile                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Tuning Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Gateways                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Transparent Gateway                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Exadata                                           |Cloud DB with EHCC                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Exadata                                           |Exadata                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.GoldenGate                                        |GoldenGate                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Conventional Load           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Sun ZFS with EHCC                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |ZFS Storage                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage with EHCC                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |

CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |FEATURE_BEING_USED                                      |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |      DBID|VERSION    |DETECTED_USAGES|TOTAL_SAMPLES|CURRENTLY_USED|FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE    |EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO
ANJOPDB1                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Global Data Services                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |Data Mining                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Advanced Index Compression                              |SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG   |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup HIGH Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup LOW Compression                                  |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup MEDIUM Compression                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup ZLIB Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Data Guard                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |HeapCompression                                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Heat Map                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Information Lifecycle Management                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Advanced Network Compression Service             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              5|           31|FALSE         |2018.02.17_09.22.16|2018.03.17_11.41.30|
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Compression (user)                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Deduplication (user)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Data Redaction                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Encrypted Tablespaces                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              5|           31|FALSE         |2018.02.17_09.22.16|2018.03.17_11.41.30|
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |SecureFile Encryption (user)                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Transparent Data Encryption                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Aggregation                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_18.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40|
ANJOPDB1                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Column Store                                  |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_18.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40|
ANJOPDB1                      |Database Vault                                     |Oracle Database Vault                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Database Vault                                     |Privilege Capture                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |ADDM                                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline Template                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Report                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Automatic Workload Repository                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Adaptive Thresholds                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Static Computations                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |EM Performance Page                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Label Security                                     |Label Security                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Analytic Workspaces                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Cubes                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Partitioning                                       |Partitioning (user)                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Partitioning                                       |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |Quality of Service Management                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters                          |Real Application Clusters (RAC)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |Real Application Cluster One Node                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Capture                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Replay                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |SQL Performance Analyzer                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |Spatial                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Access Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Monitoring and Tuning pages                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Profile                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Tuning Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Gateways                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Transparent Gateway                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Exadata                                           |Cloud DB with EHCC                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Exadata                                           |Exadata                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.GoldenGate                                        |GoldenGate                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Conventional Load           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Sun ZFS with EHCC                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |ZFS Storage                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage with EHCC                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |


The two reports, PRODUCT USAGE and FEATURE USAGE DETAILS, provide usage statistics for Database Options, Management Packs
and their corresponding features.
Information is extracted from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view.

DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view is updated once a week, so it may take up to 7 days for the report to reflect usage changes.
DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view contains a different set of entries for each VERSION and DBID occurring in the database history.
The weekly refresh process updates only the current row set.

The report lists all detectable products and features, used or not used.
The CURRENTLY_USED column in the DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view indicates if the feature in question was used during the last sampling interval
or is used at the refresh moment.
CURRENT_USAGE represents usage tracked over the last sample period, which defaults to one week.
PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE example: Datapump Export entry indicates CURRENTLY_USED='TRUE' and FEATURE_INFO "compression used" counter
indicates a non zero value that could have been triggered by past or current (last week) usage.
Leading dot (.) denotes a product that is not a Database Option or Database Management Pack

Information provided by the reports is to be used for informational purposes only and does not represent your license entitlement or requirement.
The usage data may indicate, in some cases, false positives.
This may be due to inclusion of usage by sample schemas (such as HR, PM, SH...) or system/internal usage.

Please refer to MOS DOC ID 1317265.1 and 1309070.1 for more information.

End of script (v 18.1 Apr-2018)

New ‘My Oracle Support’

Since this weekend, the is called just “Dashboard”. Previously (still seen on it was called “My Oracle Support | Dashboard”.

Since years that Oracle tries to improve their paid support website, with little success. From the time of Metalink, the search speed is still a big handicap. The usability and mainly the user interface do not get any improvement from version to version.

There is the “APEX” layout which I personally don’t like. Then the choice of colors, gradients and curved edges which are all out of fashion and with lack of contrast for today’s webpages standards.

Let’s say what improved in the last 7 or 8 years in the support Oracle website:

  • we can see service request messages history while adding more content
  • we can see the list of files already uploaded to a service request and download them if necessary
  • the search results are a more intelligent (if there is no misspell).

However there is one thing that still I find incomprehensible: the lack of speed of the search engine.

Will it be there one time that a “Google like” (well, maybe the expectation is too high) search engine will be deployed at My Oracle Support?

Just to finish, a first points where the new “My Oracle Support” html version is behind the flash version:

  • no highlight of service request on “customer working” status

And a point where there is an improvement:

  • you can now resize the tables on the dashboard to see more “Service Requests” or more “News”.