
Opatch now obfuscates its own backups – the new “opatch util Obfuscate” option explained

With OPatch version for databases (and version for Middleware), a new utility was included: obfuscate.

This utility was released to workaround the increased security needed around databases servers. We cannot escape having vulnerability scanners to run there. These vulnerability scanners sometimes do not distinguish between used and unused files.

When patching a database, backup copy of the modified files are kept in $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage. Their hash sometime trigger the vulnerability scanners and says – 🚨server not patched ⚠️. Which is misleading.

Starting with OPatch, released together with the January 2023 Release Update, the backup of patch files are automatically obfuscated.

The new “opatch util obfuscate” allows to do the same for older patches. Let’s see how it works.

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New “OPatch util DeleteInactivePatches” tool for reducing the $ORACLE_HOME size

When you are a sensible person, you patch regularly your Oracle database. After a few years, maybe you noticed that the $ORACLE_HOME increased size from new ~7 GB to …. 26 GB!

$ du -hs /u00/app/oracle/product/19.18.0
26G     /u00/app/oracle/product/19.18.0

Looking better, you find the culprit is the hidden directory $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage :

$ du -hs /u00/app/oracle/product/19.18.0/.patch_storage
17G     /u00/app/oracle/product/19.18.0/.patch_storage

Today I show how a new option from OPatch allowed me to regain 11 GB of disk space in a couple of minutes. In a supported way.

Last year I had already presented other options to recover space from Oracle Patching. Below I remind them, but todays post is about the latest and improved way that OPatch tool has to keep only the usual needed patch backups.

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The OPatch, .patch_storage and its space issues: the solutions!

[a new solution is available as of 2023. Read here about the new OPatch util DeleteInactivePatches option.]

I love database patching and apart of the tiring coordination work or the applications that keep to not automatically reconnect to the database, all is usually perfect and issue free. Well, almost. The most common error are space issues.

You can try to follow the Oracle guidelines and have a 100 GB partition for the $ORACLE_HOME(s). Initially it only uses 7 or 8 GB per home, but after few years you are fighting against the space pressure.

There are several strategies to prevent or act against this space problem when patching:

Solution 1 – Recreate separate Oracle Home from scratch

It is a clean solution, when you make really from scratch, meaning no home cloning, no opatchauto apply -outofplace, and then apply only the latest patch there. This solution is quite easy to do for DB home. However when you have Grid Home this is a bit more hassle.

Solution 2 – Use the opatch hidden “archive” feature

This feature allows to move out from .patch_storage folder some patches in a zip format. It was “documented” by Mike Dietrich in his blog. Unfortunately to have a common archive between different Oracle Homes you need to do some hand work: archive on one Oracle Home, delete the patches from remaining homes and copy the $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/.patch_storage/.patch_archive_mapping.xml file to the other homes. Of course this works when all Homes have exactly the same features installed and patches. Keep in mind that before rollback you need to use the “unarchive” option and that the rollback procedure will restore the files that were changed, and this can vary depending on the state of the oracle home at the moment of patch. Use opatch util archive -help for more info.

Here we are not saving any space, just moving the problem away. The other partition can be a remote slower location, but the patching will also then be slower, as it will need to copy files there. Use: TARGET=<partition>/patch_storage ; mv $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage $TARGET ; ln -s $TARGET $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage

Solution 4 – Remove unneeded patches from .patch_storage

In $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage the whole history of patches you applied is kept. You can rollback one after the other and bring the Oracle Home several steps behind. However, the most of the cases you are ok to just be able to move one step backward. The older history of the home is past. If that is you case, then there is this nice Python script clean_patch_storage.py which is based on the premise of Oracle Doc ID 550522.1 which states you can “remove all the sub-directories from $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage that are not present in the list of installed patches”. The list directories you can delete is exactly what the script do.

Maybe you have other solutions or tricks, please share in the comments.

Datapatch and Tablespace Full

Yesterday on a simple 19.13 patching session, got a nice error during datapatch: ORA-01691: usable to extend lob segment in Tablespace SYSTEM ! Got a bit scared, but simple added more space to the tablespace, run datapatch again and all was ok. Maybe patch/datapatch should check also for free space in the SYSTEM Tablespace ?

Here the error:

DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment SYS.SYS_LOB0000323098C00008$$ by 128 in tablespace SYSTEM
ORA-06512: at line 2 (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "BEGIN
           INSERT INTO sys.dba_registry_sqlpatch_ru_info
              TO_TIMESTAMP(:ru_build_timestamp, 'YYMMDDHH24MISS'),
         END;" with ParamValues: :patch_descriptor=OCIXMLTypePtr=SCALAR(0x468b0a0), :patch_directory='PK........▒LOS▒.
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Opatchauto does not work without DB created. And Oracle support… well

Few months ago I hit an interesting case. After installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Database software on a server, the new Release Update come out and I wanted to use opatchauto to apply it automatically on both homes.

It doesn’t work.

sudo ${ORACLE_HOME}/OPatch/opatchauto apply -phBaseDir /tmp/RU_19c_JAN2021/32126842 -prepare-clone -silent /tmp/RU_19c_JAN2021/clone.properties
OPATCHAUTO-72128: Cannot execute out of place patching prepare session.
OPATCHAUTO-72128: Clone home properties /tmp/RU_19c_JAN2021/clone.properties specified has entry for non requested home(s) [/u00/app/oracle/product/19.8.0].
OPATCHAUTO-72128: Please correct properties file and re-run out of place patching prepare operation.
OPatchAuto failed.

The setup is all correct, opatchauto is the latest version (, as of February 2021), the inventory has the two homes:

<HOME NAME="OraGI19Home1" LOC="/u00/app/grid/19.8.0" TYPE="O" IDX="1" CRS="true"/>
<HOME NAME="OraDB19Home1" LOC="/u00/app/oracle/product/19.8.0" TYPE="O" IDX="2"/>

The clone.properties file has the name of these homes:


The only “problem” is that no database is created. In fact, the workaround is just to register a fake DB on the CRS:

srvctl add db XX -oraclehome /u00/app/oracle/product/19.8.0

Then the opatchauto works.

I open a SR with Oracle. Inform about the OPatch bug and ask what is the meaning of the OPATCHAUTO-72128 error, because there is no documentation of Opatchauto.

The normal ping-pong with Oracle support starts, they ask me to run with maximum debug level before they can do something. I say that the complete use case is already described and they can try in-house and can/should open a bug.

No success. The support person says that if the customer doesn’t do more work, Oracle doesn’t care about the bug and problem will remain unfixed. I inform that I will blog about this bug, so that the community is aware.

Final answer from this SR:

“Knowledge content not created because the issue was resolved by the customer with no further information provided. Also no further ODM headings were used for the same reason.”

Which OPatch to use? One OPatch version fits (almost) all.

The download page of Oracle OPatch has quite some room for improvement: put some ‘order by’ on the version and platform would be welcome. Also, make clear that there are very few versions of it.

In fact, for database, there are just two versions of OPatch! One OPatch version that covers all database supported versions from 12.1 to 20c. For paid long-term supported Oracle 11.2 there is another version.

So, in summary, here the OPatch version you need to patch your DBs:

Oracle Database versionOPatch version

The download link is this one:


For Enterprise Manager (middleware) there is another OPatch version, 13.9.x which I don’t have experience with.

The information about which OPatch versions is needed to apply the Database RU, RUR, is now part of the Patch Availability Document. For instance for OCtober 2020, this is what we can see:

Note 1: For Enterprise Manager (middleware) there is another OPatch version, 13.9.x which I don’t have experience with.

Note 2 – for Oracle guys out there: when we see the current size of the Release Updates, maybe it would be worth to include the latest version of OPatch within it. It would not increase so much the size and avoid the need of checking if we have the latest OPatch.

Attention OPatch ‘opatch util cleanup’ command deletes files from /etc, /bin, /lib 2

On January 28th 2020 I reported to Oracle on a Severy 1 SR that the latest OPatch version tries to delete system files from /etc, /bin, /lib :

I wrote in the SR the use case, provided the logs. On my case, the opatch cleanup command “just” deleted the configuration files of my backup client in /etc (opatch deletes files that are writable by the user who calls the command – ‘oracle’/’grid’ in most of the cases).

The location from where ‘opatch cleanup util’ tries to delete files depends from where you call it! So, if you call from / or from $ORACLE_BASE or from $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch you’ll get different behaviours!

It took two months until I got an answer to that SR, saying a bug was created and it will be fixed on the next version of OPatch:

Today there was a release of April 2020 Security patches, the latest Oracle Patch Bundles. To my surprise, for Oracle versions 12.2, 18c and 19c, there is the requirement of using OPatch version, the exact same version that has this dangerous bug!

The bug reported end of January was not yet fixed! At least, on OPatch readme there is now a warning:

So, be careful until then and do not use ‘opatch util cleanup’. Anyway, this command is not anymore needed, as a cleanup (without deleting any wrong file) of the $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage directory is automatically done at the end of the patching.

CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release patch level (‘2565072065’) does not match Software patch level (‘277169099’)

Today on a dirt and quick patching session I end up with the following error when restarting the Oracle Restart Grid Infratructure.

The complete error was:

oracle@anjovm1: [+ASM] crsctl start has
CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release patch level ('2565072065') does not match Software patch level ('277169099'). Oracle Clusterware cannot be started.
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.

This was because I’ve installed the OJVM RU to the Grid home. The solution was simply:

oracle@anjovm1: ~oracle/ [+ASM] /u00/app/grid/18.0.0/OPatch/opatch rollback -id 28790647

And then I could restart:

oracle@anjovm1:~oracle/ [+ASM] crsctl start has
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.

Install latest version of Oracle Goldengate 12

With Oracle Goldengate 12 there is now a big change on the way to install: there is an installer!

Up to Oracle Goldengate 11 every new patch was a new complete version. With Oracle Goldengate 12 you need to install a base version and then the latest patch.

Here is a quick sum up of the instructions (done on AIX, but is similar on Linux):

  1. From Oracle website download the Goldengate for your operating system
  2. From Oracle support note 1645495.1 download the latest patchset for Goldengate. Check the availability for your OS.
  3. Unzip both downloaded files
  4. Call the <download_dir>/ggs_AIX_ppc_shiphome/Disk1/runInstaller
  5. Follow the instructions by choosing the target DB version and install directory (I recommend $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg)
  6. Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 1 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 2 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 3 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 4 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 5 of 5

  7. Check it works
  8. # set ORACLE_HOME to an existing Oracle database installation:
    export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/
    # set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use libraries from $ORACLE_HOME:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_BASE/product/gg
    # Start Goldengate:
    cd $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg
    Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
    Version 19797716 OGGCORE_12.
    AIX 6, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Oct 27 2014 00:19:39
    Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1.
    Copyright (C) 1995, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    GGSCI (anjovm1) 1> info all
    Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
    GGSCI (anjovm1) 2> exit
  9. Install the latest patchset with OPatch
  10. cd <download_dir>/21785294
    $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg/OPatch/opatch apply -oh $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home       : /oracle/app/product/gg121
    Central Inventory : /oracle/oraInventory
       from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version    :
    OUI version       :
    Log file location : /oracle/app/product/gg121/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2015-11-11_08-32-55AM.log
    Applying interim patch '21785294' to OH '/oracle/app/product/gg121'
    Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
    Do you want to proceed? [y|n] y
    User Responded with: Y
    All checks passed.
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
    (Oracle Home = '/oracle/app/product/gg121')
    Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n] y
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files...
    Patching component oracle.oggcore.ora11g,
    Patch 21785294 successfully applied
    Log file location: /oracle/app/product/gg121/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2015-11-11_08-32-55AM.log
    OPatch succeeded.
  11. Check it is updated
# Start Goldengate:
cd $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version 21604177 OGGCORE_12.
AIX 6, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Sep  2 2015 16:29:21
Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1.

Copyright (C) 1995, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

GGSCI (anjovm1) 1> 

We have now Oracle Goldengate installed.

Interesting enough is that Oracle Goldengate 12.1 still uses the OPatch version, taken probably from Oracle, as we can see from the line “OUI version :”.

Oracle October 2015 CPU – quick and dirty install on and 4

[Update 17.11.2015 – Thanks Lars Johan Ulveseth for the extra testing and comment – see below. In fact I’ve only tested the PSU installation on a non-CDB 12c database. There is a missing step, added now, when you are in a multitenant configuration with pluggable databases. Script updated based on Lars comments.]

Following my January post, here are basic instructions to install the latest Oracle security patch. While one should always read the documentation, below you can find how to install CPU Oct 2015  on single instance. Please count about 5 minutes downtime on your database (a bit more if it is the first time you are doing this).

If you are single instance database (no RAC) and either or here are the quick summary of the installation. Tested on Linux and AIX:

Oracle – October 2015 CPU installation

OPatch: You need to update the OPatch tool, minimum version is Direct download from Oracle support.

Bundle – Patch 21520444 – Combo OJVM PSU and Database PSU for UNIX

  • Patch 21359755 – Database Patch Set Update (Oct2015) –> RAC-Rolling Installable
  • Patch 21555660 – Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU (OCT2015) –> Non RAC-Rolling Installable
export PATCH_LOC="/tmp"

1. Download + Upgrade OPatch (Opatch download direct link)

unzip ${PATCH_LOC}/p6880880_121010_Linux-x86-64.zip -d $ORACLE_HOME

2. Stop database+listeners+agent

3. Apply DB PSU (21359755 ) but do NOT run DB PSU post install steps

unzip p2*
cd 2*
cd 21359755/
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply

3. Apply OJVM PSU patch

cd ../21555660/
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply

4. Restart database [and open pluggable databases] in upgrade mode

SQL> startup upgrade;
SQL> alter pluggable database all open upgrade;

5. Run post install steps

./datapatch -verbose

6. Restart database [and open pluggable databases] in normal mode

SQL> shutdown;
SQL> startup;
SQL> alter pluggable database all open;

Oracle – October 2015 CPU installation

Bundle – Patch 21744335 – Combo OJVM PSU and Database SPU (CPUOct2015)

  • Patch 21352646 – Database Security Patch Update (CPUOCT2015) –> RAC-Rolling Installable
  • Patch 21555791 – Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU (OCT2015) –> Non RAC-Rolling Installable
export PATCH_LOC="/tmp"
unzip p2*.zip
cd 2*

1. Shutdown databases and services
2. Apply DB PSU (21352646) but do NOT run DB PSU post install steps

cd 21352646
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch napply -skip_subset -skip_duplicate

3. Apply OJVM PSU patch

cd ../21555791/
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply

4. Run the OJVM PSU post install steps followed by the DB PSU (or equivalent) post install steps.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlpatch/21555791
sqlplus / as sysdba 
SQL> startup upgrade
SQL> @postinstall.sql
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> exit;
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup
SQL> @catbundle.sql cpu apply
SQL> @utlrp.sql
SQL> exit;