Oracle 12c

CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release patch level (‘2565072065’) does not match Software patch level (‘277169099’)

Today on a dirt and quick patching session I end up with the following error when restarting the Oracle Restart Grid Infratructure.

The complete error was:

oracle@anjovm1: [+ASM] crsctl start has
CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release patch level ('2565072065') does not match Software patch level ('277169099'). Oracle Clusterware cannot be started.
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.

This was because I’ve installed the OJVM RU to the Grid home. The solution was simply:

oracle@anjovm1: ~oracle/ [+ASM] /u00/app/grid/18.0.0/OPatch/opatch rollback -id 28790647

And then I could restart:

oracle@anjovm1:~oracle/ [+ASM] crsctl start has
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.

Index columns query

Query to show all indexes, its characteristics and respective columns from a table.
Note: It does not filter on owner.

select c.index_name,
       c.table_name||'('||listagg(column_name,',') within group (order by column_position)||')' as columns,
       decode(status,'VALID',null,status||' ')
       ||decode(visibility,'VISIBLE',null,visibility||' ')
       ||decode(segment_created,'YES',null,'EMPTY ')
       ||decode(uniqueness,'NONUNIQUE',null,uniqueness||' ')
       ||funcidx_status as STATUS
 from dba_ind_columns c, dba_indexes i
where i.table_name=c.table_name and i.index_name=c.index_name
  and c.table_name='&TABLE_NAME'
group by c.table_name,c.index_name,i.status,visibility, segment_created,uniqueness,funcidx_status
order by c.table_name,c.index_name;

Example of output:

INDEX_NAME                     COLUMNS                                 STATUS  
------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ----------
LIB_VERSION_NAME_IDX           LIB_VERSION(VERSION_NAME)                     
LIB_VERSION_PK                 LIB_VERSION(ID)                         UNIQUE

Oracle licensing options usage – report from Oracle support

Less than a month ago, Oracle support released a major update of the reporting script for options/features/packs usage. It can be found at:

Database Options/Management Packs Usage Reporting for Oracle Databases 11gR2, 12c, 12cR2 and 18c (Doc ID 1317265.1)

It is a simple script that takes no time to execute. It will show both product and feature usage, including parameters that enable packs, like control_management_pack_access (Diagnostics and Tuning part) and enable_ddl_logging (Lifecycle Management pack). When run on a container database, it will show the feature usage per PDB.

It is important to know that it is based on DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view, which is updated once a week. You can trigger an manual update using the information at How to Manually Refresh Dba_feature_usage_statistics (Doc ID 1629485.1)

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter session set "_SWRF_TEST_ACTION"=53;
SQL> alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
SQL> select MAX(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE) from dba_feature_usage_statistics;

More details on each paid feature of Oracle Database Options and Packs can be found in the Oracle 12.2 Database Licensing Information guide (same for 11.2, 12.1 and 18c).

An example of the output of the script can be found below:

Database Options/Management Packs Usage Reporting for Oracle Databases 11gR2, 12c, 12cR2 and 18c (Doc ID 1317265.1)

SQL> @options_packs_usage_statistics.sql

HOST_NAME                               |INSTANCE_NAME   |DATABASE_NAME |OPEN_MODE       |DATABASE_ROLE   |CREATED            |      DBID|VERSION    |BANNER
anjovm1                                 |ANJOCDB         |ANJOCDB       |READ WRITE      |PRIMARY         |2018.01.31_08.47.22| 380093466| |Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

PARAMETER                     |VALUE
enable_ddl_logging            |FALSE

MULTITENANT INFORMATION (Please ignore errors in pre 12.1 databases)

CON_ID|NAME                          |OPEN_MODE       |RESTRICTED|REMARKS
     1|CDB$ROOT                      |READ WRITE      |NO        |*CURRENT CONTAINER is CDB$ROOT. Information for all open PDBs will be listed.
     2|PDB$SEED                      |READ ONLY       |NO        |
     3|ANJOPDB1                      |READ WRITE      |NO        |

The multitenant architecture with one user-created pluggable database (single tenant) is available in all editions without the Multitenant Option.
If more than one PDB containers are created, then Multitenant Option licensing is needed



     1|        380093466|       |2018.09.01_06.37.39|2018.09.06_09.19.25|
     3|        380093466|       |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.09.06_09.19.25|


CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE
--ALL--                       |Active Data Guard                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Advanced Analytics                                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Advanced Compression                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Advanced Security                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Database In-Memory                                 |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40
--ALL--                       |Database Vault                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Diagnostics Pack                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.05.26_12.27.59|2018.09.01_06.37.39
--ALL--                       |Label Security                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Multitenant                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
--ALL--                       |OLAP                                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Partitioning                                       |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |RAC or RAC One Node                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Real Application Clusters                          |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Real Application Testing                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Spatial and Graph                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |Tuning Pack                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.Database Gateway                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.Exadata                                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.GoldenGate                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.HW                                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
--ALL--                       |.Pillar Storage                                    |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |

CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE
CDB$ROOT                      |Active Data Guard                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Database In-Memory                                 |CURRENT_USAGE    |2018.09.01_06.37.39|2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_06.37.39
CDB$ROOT                      |Database Vault                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39|2018.05.26_12.27.59|2018.09.01_06.37.39
CDB$ROOT                      |Label Security                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Multitenant                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |OLAP                                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Partitioning                                       |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters                          |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Database Gateway                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Exadata                                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.GoldenGate                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_06.37.39|                   |

CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE
ANJOPDB1                      |Active Data Guard                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Database In-Memory                                 |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40|2018.06.02_18.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40
ANJOPDB1                      |Database Vault                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Label Security                                     |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |OLAP                                               |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Partitioning                                       |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters                          |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Database Gateway                                  |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Exadata                                           |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.GoldenGate                                        |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |NO_USAGE                |2018.09.01_18.37.40|                   |


CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |FEATURE_BEING_USED                                      |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |      DBID|VERSION    |DETECTED_USAGES|TOTAL_SAMPLES|CURRENTLY_USED|FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE    |EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO
CDB$ROOT                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Global Data Services                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |Data Mining                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Advanced Index Compression                              |SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG   |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup HIGH Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup LOW Compression                                  |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup MEDIUM Compression                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup ZLIB Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Data Guard                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |HeapCompression                                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Heat Map                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Information Lifecycle Management                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Advanced Network Compression Service             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             10|           31|TRUE          |2018.05.19_10.21.15|2018.09.01_06.37.39|compression used: 0 times
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Compression (user)                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Deduplication (user)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Data Redaction                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Encrypted Tablespaces                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             10|           31|TRUE          |2018.05.19_10.21.15|2018.09.01_06.37.39|encryption used: 0 times
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |SecureFile Encryption (user)                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Advanced Security                                  |Transparent Data Encryption                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Aggregation                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_06.37.39|
CDB$ROOT                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Column Store                                  |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_06.28.39|2018.09.01_06.37.39|
CDB$ROOT                      |Database Vault                                     |Oracle Database Vault                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Database Vault                                     |Privilege Capture                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |ADDM                                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline Template                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Report                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Automatic Workload Repository                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Adaptive Thresholds                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Static Computations                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |EM Performance Page                                     |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              5|           31|TRUE          |2018.05.26_12.27.59|2018.09.01_06.37.39|
CDB$ROOT                      |Label Security                                     |Label Security                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Multitenant                                        |Oracle Multitenant                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |             31|           31|TRUE          |2018.01.31_15.38.04|2018.09.01_06.37.39|AUX_COUNT=1
CDB$ROOT                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Analytic Workspaces                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Cubes                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Partitioning                                       |Partitioning (user)                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Partitioning                                       |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |Quality of Service Management                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters                          |Real Application Clusters (RAC)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |Real Application Cluster One Node                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Capture                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Replay                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Real Application Testing                           |SQL Performance Analyzer                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |Spatial                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Access Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Monitoring and Tuning pages                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Profile                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Tuning Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Gateways                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Transparent Gateway                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Exadata                                           |Cloud DB with EHCC                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Exadata                                           |Exadata                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.GoldenGate                                        |GoldenGate                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Conventional Load           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Sun ZFS with EHCC                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |ZFS Storage                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.HW                                                |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
CDB$ROOT                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage with EHCC                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_06.37.39| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |

CON_NAME                      |PRODUCT                                            |FEATURE_BEING_USED                                      |USAGE                   |LAST_SAMPLE_DATE   |      DBID|VERSION    |DETECTED_USAGES|TOTAL_SAMPLES|CURRENTLY_USED|FIRST_USAGE_DATE   |LAST_USAGE_DATE    |EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO
ANJOPDB1                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Active Data Guard                                  |Global Data Services                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Analytics                                 |Data Mining                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Advanced Index Compression                              |SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG   |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup HIGH Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup LOW Compression                                  |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup MEDIUM Compression                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Backup ZLIB Compression                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Data Guard                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |HeapCompression                                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Heat Map                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Information Lifecycle Management                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Advanced Network Compression Service             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              5|           31|FALSE         |2018.02.17_09.22.16|2018.03.17_11.41.30|
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Compression (user)                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Compression                               |SecureFile Deduplication (user)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Data Redaction                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Encrypted Tablespaces                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              5|           31|FALSE         |2018.02.17_09.22.16|2018.03.17_11.41.30|
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |SecureFile Encryption (user)                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Advanced Security                                  |Transparent Data Encryption                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Aggregation                                   |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_18.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40|
ANJOPDB1                      |Database In-Memory                                 |In-Memory Column Store                                  |CURRENT_USAGE           |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |             14|           31|TRUE          |2018.06.02_18.28.39|2018.09.01_18.37.40|
ANJOPDB1                      |Database Vault                                     |Oracle Database Vault                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Database Vault                                     |Privilege Capture                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |ADDM                                                    |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Baseline Template                                   |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |AWR Report                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Automatic Workload Repository                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Adaptive Thresholds                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |Baseline Static Computations                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Diagnostics Pack                                   |EM Performance Page                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Label Security                                     |Label Security                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Analytic Workspaces                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |OLAP                                               |OLAP - Cubes                                            |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Partitioning                                       |Partitioning (user)                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Partitioning                                       |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |RAC or RAC One Node                                |Quality of Service Management                           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters                          |Real Application Clusters (RAC)                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Clusters One Node                 |Real Application Cluster One Node                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Capture                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |Database Replay: Workload Replay                        |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Real Application Testing                           |SQL Performance Analyzer                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Spatial and Graph                                  |Spatial                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Access Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Monitoring and Tuning pages                         |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Profile                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |Tuning Pack                                        |SQL Tuning Advisor                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Gateways                                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Database Gateway                                  |Transparent Gateway                                     |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Exadata                                           |Cloud DB with EHCC                                      |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Exadata                                           |Exadata                                                 |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.GoldenGate                                        |GoldenGate                                              |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Conventional Load           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking           |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Sun ZFS with EHCC                                       |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |ZFS Storage                                             |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.HW                                                |Zone maps                                               |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage                                          |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |
ANJOPDB1                      |.Pillar Storage                                    |Pillar Storage with EHCC                                |NO_CURRENT_USAGE        |2018.09.01_18.37.40| 380093466| |              0|           31|FALSE         |                   |                   |


The two reports, PRODUCT USAGE and FEATURE USAGE DETAILS, provide usage statistics for Database Options, Management Packs
and their corresponding features.
Information is extracted from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view.

DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view is updated once a week, so it may take up to 7 days for the report to reflect usage changes.
DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view contains a different set of entries for each VERSION and DBID occurring in the database history.
The weekly refresh process updates only the current row set.

The report lists all detectable products and features, used or not used.
The CURRENTLY_USED column in the DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view indicates if the feature in question was used during the last sampling interval
or is used at the refresh moment.
CURRENT_USAGE represents usage tracked over the last sample period, which defaults to one week.
PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE example: Datapump Export entry indicates CURRENTLY_USED='TRUE' and FEATURE_INFO "compression used" counter
indicates a non zero value that could have been triggered by past or current (last week) usage.
Leading dot (.) denotes a product that is not a Database Option or Database Management Pack

Information provided by the reports is to be used for informational purposes only and does not represent your license entitlement or requirement.
The usage data may indicate, in some cases, false positives.
This may be due to inclusion of usage by sample schemas (such as HR, PM, SH...) or system/internal usage.

Please refer to MOS DOC ID 1317265.1 and 1309070.1 for more information.

End of script (v 18.1 Apr-2018)

Oracle 12.1 – Find OCR Master Node

I’ve been dealing with a problem where, sometimes, a rebooted RAC node is unable to join back the cluster. The issue seems to be with the “Master Node”, which refuses to accept the node.

So I’ve to know which is the “Master Node” (the current known solution is to reboot it, and then all nodes join the cluster).

There is the Oracle note: How to Find OCR Master Node (Doc ID 1281982.1)

And there is this blog entry: 11G R2 RAC: How to identify the master node in RAC

In my case I’m using Oracle, the location of the files is a bit different. The location of the OCR Master Node can be found on this version using one of the following ways:

  • Check the crsd logs for “OCR MASTER”
grep "OCR MASTER" ${ORACLE_BASE}/diag/crs/`hostname`/crs/trace/crsd*

and, if the logs did not rotate too much yet, you should see one of the two below:

/u00/app/oracle/diag/crs/anjovm1/crs/trace/crsd_73.trc:2018-01-13 14:05:30.535186 :  OCRMAS:3085: th_master:13: I AM THE NEW OCR MASTER at incar 2. Node Number 1

/u00/app/oracle/diag/crs/anjovm2/crs/trace/crsd_71.trc:2018-01-13 14:05:32.823231 :  OCRMAS:3085: th_master: NEW OCR MASTER IS 1
  • Check the location of the OCR automatic backups

the cluster node currently keeping the backups, is the OCR master node. If you see older backups on other nodes, it was when they were OCR master nodes on its turn.

ls -l /u00/app/<cluster_name>
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266 Jan  14 00:01 backup00.ocr
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266 Jan 13 20:01 backup01.ocr
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266 Jan 13 16:01 backup02.ocr
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266 Jan 13 00:00 day.ocr
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266 Jan  14 00:01 day_.ocr
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266  Dec 31 23:55 week.ocr
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system      943266 Jan 07 23:59 week_.ocr

Note: do not confuse the OCR master node with the Cluster Health Monitor repository master node, which you get using the command:

/u00/app/ manage -get MASTER


Check Advanced Compression option usage on Oracle database

To check if the “advanced compression” Oracle database option was used on your environment is not so easy, as there are several activities that can activate this option.

For example for a mix Oracle and environment we can use the following query:

where ((name like '%Compress%' and name not in ('Backup BASIC Compression','Backup BZIP2 Compression','SecureFile Compression (system)')) 
  and detected_usages>0)
or (name='Data Guard' and FEATURE_INFO like '%Compression used: TRUE%')
or (name in ('Oracle Utility Metadata API','Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)','Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)') 
  and version like '11.2.%' and feature_info not like '%compression used: 0 times%')
or (name in ('Oracle Utility Metadata API','Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)') 
  and version like '12.%' and feature_info like '%compression%')
or (name in ('Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)') 
  and version like '12.%' and feature_info not like '%compression used: 0 times%');

Why do we need so many filters? Because the text that shows if compression was used changes depending on the utility and Oracle version!
Below 3 different examples when compression was not used:

Version Utilities FEATURE_INFO text
12.1 Oracle Utility Datapump (Export) invoked: 1 times, compression used: 0 times (BASIC algorithm used: 0 times, LOW algorithm used: 0 times, MEDIUM algorithm used: 0 times, HIGH algorithm used: 0 times), encryption used: 0 times (AES128 algorithm used: 0 times, AES192 algorithm used: 0 times, AES256 algorithm used: 0 times, PASSWORD mode used: 0 times, DUAL mode used: 0 times, TRANSPARENT mode used: 0 times), parallel used: 0 times, full transportable used: 0 times
12.1 Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)

Oracle Utility Metadata API

invoked: 1 times, parallel used: 0 times, full transportable used: 0 times
11.2 Oracle Utility Metadata API invoked: 1 times, compression used: 0 times, encryption used: 0 times

Also, seems that for “Data Guard” utility the text has capital letters “%Compression used: TRUE%”.

More information about which features enable the usage of Advanced Compression option can be find here.

And how to avoid the usage of the Advanced Compression option by error on Mathias Zarick blog.

Goldengate 12.2 – ERROR OGG-00041 Data source not specified. 1

While testing the new Goldengate 12.2 with a training material I’ve been doing, I got the error:

2016-03-29 15:36:00 ERROR OGG-00041 Data source not specified. 
2016-03-29 15:36:00 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING.

This when configuring the most simple integrated extract.

Looking at the ggserr.log did not gave any other idea.

After opening a SR with Oracle, I decided to try the same configuration on Goldengate 12.1. And to my surprise the error was “clearer”:

2016-03-29 16:15:51 ERROR OGG-00303 Unrecognized parameter (EXTRACT e_hr).

Immediatly it come to my mind that the problem was related to my copy/paste from powerpoint (training material I’m doing) to the putty window. Doing ‘:set list’ in vi did not show any strange character, but after recreating the extract parameter file from scratch with exactly the same parameters, it worked like a charm.

Go back test on Goldengate 12.2 and no error either.

So, if you have OGG-00041 error, it can be just that Goldengate is not interpreting well the parameter file.

Meanwhile, another problem on Goldengate 12.2 is that it crashes when you delete an extract while connected to a database.

CloneDB: terminating the instance due to error 17514

While getting adventureous and trying to enable clonedb on a RAC database running on ASM (set clonedb parameter=true and restart the database), I got this error on alert log:

Mon Nov 16 11:11:40 2015
CloneDB: created bitmap file RAC_bitmap.dbf
USER (ospid: 15767): terminating the instance due to error 17514

RAC is the name of the database. The <SID>_bitmap.dbf file was correctly created on $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

Then it just crash the instance. Google and Metalink did not yet indexed this error. But here its description:

$ oerr ora 17514
17514, 00000, "Access to clonedb bitmap file failed"
// *Cause: Accessing the bitmap block file in clonedb environment has
// encountered an error
// *Action: check additional error messages in the trace file and call
// Oracle Support Services

The trace files did not help much. I did not investigate the problem further.

Thin PDB clones on ext4 filesystem with Oracle

Oracle brings a great new functionality: you can create thin clones – that is, not copying the source files, just pointers – on ext4 filesystem, the current default on Red Hat Linux 6.

Requirements for example below:
– Oracle
– Data files are on ext4 filesystem (or other supporting sparse files)
– Source PDB on read only mode

It is very simple to set up:

SQL> alter system set clonedb=TRUE scope=spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup

SQL> show parameter clonedb
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
clonedb                              boolean     TRUE

I will create a clone of the PDB2 database.

SQL> select name,con_id,open_mode,SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID from v$pdbs;

NAME                               CON_ID OPEN_MODE  SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------------
PDB$SEED                                2 READ ONLY                       0
PDB1                                    3 MOUNTED                         0
PDB2                                    4 READ ONLY                       0

For this I need first to create the target directory for the datafiles.

SQL> ! mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1

Then I can do the clone using the ‘snapshot copy’ clause. It took 9 seconds.

SQL> create pluggable database PDB2_C1 from PDB2 snapshot copy file_name_convert=('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2','/u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1');
Pluggable database created.

Elapsed: 00:00:09.35

Note that the new PDB remains in MOUNT state and without showing a connection to its parent. I find unfortunate the lack of that information.

SQL> select name,con_id,open_mode,SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID from v$pdbs;

NAME                               CON_ID OPEN_MODE  SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------------
PDB$SEED                                2 READ ONLY                       0
PDB1                                    3 MOUNTED                         0
PDB2                                    4 READ ONLY                       0
PDB2_C1                                 5 MOUNTED                         0

After we open the clone in READ WRITE mode, then we can see the relationship with the parent.

SQL> alter pluggable database PDB2_C1 open read write;
Pluggable database altered.
Elapsed: 00:00:02.12

SQL> select name,con_id,open_mode,SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID from v$pdbs;

NAME                               CON_ID OPEN_MODE  SNAPSHOT_PARENT_CON_ID
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------------
PDB$SEED                                2 READ ONLY                       0
PDB1                                    3 MOUNTED                         0
PDB2                                    4 READ ONLY                       0
PDB2_C1                                 5 READ WRITE                      4

And below we verify that the clone uses 4MB instead of 800MB of the source database.

SQL> ! du -m /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2/*
6       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2/PDB2_users01.dbf
586     /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2/sysaux01.dbf
261     /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2/system01.dbf
1       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2/temp01.dbf

SQL> ! du -m /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1/*
1       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1/PDB2_users01.dbf
1       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1/sysaux01.dbf
1       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1/system01.dbf
1       /u01/app/oracle/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE1/temp01.dbf

We can also clone non-CDB databases with some more steps, as explained at:

The script (see documentation here) can also be used, even though you might find easier to script yourself to your own environment.

How to drop corrupted PDB? 1

Today on my test system I did delete by mistake all the datafiles from one PDB on Oracle

Then, when I wanted to drop it from the CDB, I was getting the error:

SQL> drop pluggable database PDB2_C2 including datafiles;
drop pluggable database PDB2_C2 including datafiles
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01116: error in opening database file 19
ORA-01110: data file 19: '/shared/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE2/system01.dbf'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

After I tried to see if RMAN would propose any solution, knowing that there were no backups or archivelogs.

RMAN> advise failure;

Database Role: PRIMARY

List of Database Failures

Failure ID Priority Status    Time Detected Summary
---------- -------- --------- ------------- -------
62         CRITICAL OPEN      16-NOV-15     System datafile 19: '/shared/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE2/system01.dbf' is corrupt
22         CRITICAL OPEN      16-NOV-15     System datafile 19: '/shared/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE2/system01.dbf' is missing

analyzing automatic repair options; this may take some time
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=31 device type=DISK
analyzing automatic repair options complete

Mandatory Manual Actions
1. If file /shared/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE2/system01.dbf was unintentionally renamed or moved, restore it
2. Contact Oracle Support Services if the preceding recommendations cannot be used, or if they do not fix the failures selected for repair
3. Please contact Oracle Support Services to resolve failure 62: System datafile 19: '/shared/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE2/system01.dbf' is corrupt

Optional Manual Actions
no manual actions available

Automated Repair Options
no automatic repair options available

With the help of my Trivadis colleague Daniele Massimi quickly we found the solution.
The CDB was now in mount mode.

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Nov 16 17:28:43 2015
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1509949440 bytes
Fixed Size                  2924640 bytes
Variable Size             973082528 bytes
Database Buffers          520093696 bytes
Redo Buffers               13848576 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 19 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 19: '/shared/oradata/NONRAC/PDB2_CLONE2/system01.dbf'

SQL> alter database datafile 19 offline drop;
alter database datafile 19 offline drop
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01516: nonexistent log file, data file, or temporary file "19"

SQL> alter session set container=PDB2_C2;
Session altered.

SQL> alter database datafile 19 offline drop;
Database altered.

SQL> alter session set container=cdb$root;
Session altered.

SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.

SQL> drop pluggable database PDB2_C2 including datafiles;
Pluggable database dropped.

Moral of the story: be careful when deleting files. 🙂

Install latest version of Oracle Goldengate 12

With Oracle Goldengate 12 there is now a big change on the way to install: there is an installer!

Up to Oracle Goldengate 11 every new patch was a new complete version. With Oracle Goldengate 12 you need to install a base version and then the latest patch.

Here is a quick sum up of the instructions (done on AIX, but is similar on Linux):

  1. From Oracle website download the Goldengate for your operating system
  2. From Oracle support note 1645495.1 download the latest patchset for Goldengate. Check the availability for your OS.
  3. Unzip both downloaded files
  4. Call the <download_dir>/ggs_AIX_ppc_shiphome/Disk1/runInstaller
  5. Follow the instructions by choosing the target DB version and install directory (I recommend $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg)
  6. Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 1 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 2 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 3 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 4 of 5

    Oracle GoldenGate - Install Wizard - Step 5 of 5

  7. Check it works
  8. # set ORACLE_HOME to an existing Oracle database installation:
    export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/
    # set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use libraries from $ORACLE_HOME:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_BASE/product/gg
    # Start Goldengate:
    cd $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg
    Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
    Version 19797716 OGGCORE_12.
    AIX 6, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Oct 27 2014 00:19:39
    Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1.
    Copyright (C) 1995, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    GGSCI (anjovm1) 1> info all
    Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
    GGSCI (anjovm1) 2> exit
  9. Install the latest patchset with OPatch
  10. cd <download_dir>/21785294
    $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg/OPatch/opatch apply -oh $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home       : /oracle/app/product/gg121
    Central Inventory : /oracle/oraInventory
       from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version    :
    OUI version       :
    Log file location : /oracle/app/product/gg121/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2015-11-11_08-32-55AM.log
    Applying interim patch '21785294' to OH '/oracle/app/product/gg121'
    Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
    Do you want to proceed? [y|n] y
    User Responded with: Y
    All checks passed.
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
    (Oracle Home = '/oracle/app/product/gg121')
    Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n] y
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files...
    Patching component oracle.oggcore.ora11g,
    Patch 21785294 successfully applied
    Log file location: /oracle/app/product/gg121/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2015-11-11_08-32-55AM.log
    OPatch succeeded.
  11. Check it is updated
# Start Goldengate:
cd $ORACLE_BASE/product/gg

Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version 21604177 OGGCORE_12.
AIX 6, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Sep  2 2015 16:29:21
Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1.

Copyright (C) 1995, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

GGSCI (anjovm1) 1> 

We have now Oracle Goldengate installed.

Interesting enough is that Oracle Goldengate 12.1 still uses the OPatch version, taken probably from Oracle, as we can see from the line “OUI version :”.