Monthly Archives: November 2008

Revo Pico RadioStation

Since around 1995 I’m a big fan of Radio. When I was 16 I stop watching TV (maybe too much computer?) and start listening to FM. Start making friends through BBSs at the time and with 10 of them we created “A Telefonia Virtual”. It was the first portuguese webzine dedicated to Radio, where we placed news about the people working in radio, new radios that appear. Also there was a monthly section with the best and worst of the portuguese radio that month. Sometimes we did interviews, we also start some programs, and were interviewed about the whole project both in national radio and TV. With the start of working life and me living outside Portugal, the project died out couple years ago.

But I continued a good radio fan and this month I finally bought a receiver of Digital Audio Broadcasting, called usually DAB. The DAB is the future of FM: the audio quality is like CD and you don’t have to search for the station, just choose.

I bought Revo Pico RadioStation, a device that besides DAB is also a Wi-Fi receiver and so we can listen any radio broadcasting on the internet. This way I listen a lot to the portuguese Radio Radar, from Lisbon. We can also listen to podcasts from the radio stations. Other features include not only to listen to the classic FM, but also to listen the music we have in any computer in our home network (in our computer, for instance). The device has also battery, so I can listen to it at any place, wireless. Its very small (10x15x15) and light. Yes, I’m very happy with it. Plus, it can also work in environment with lot of humidity and or get a bit of rain, it says in the manual. There is even a remote control, ultra thin.

Today I’ve created at dedicated forums for discussing about the Revo RadioStation, either the Pico or the Blick version (this one you can put a iPod with it).

Well, all this text in the hope that Google will index the newly created foruns. 🙂

Lugar do morto – place du mort II

Last year I remember in Germany there was an accident in which, during a funeral parade, a truck driver had a heart attack and killed several people that were in the parade. It was a real question “where is the dead person?”

Today I see a second part with a similar history:

— Taken from Tribune de Genève – 11 November 2008
Brésil: tuée par le cercueil de son mari
Un malheureux accident entre un corbillard et un autre véhicule a envoyé la veuve ad patres.
ats/Reuters | 11.11.2008 | 15:05
Une femme de 67 ans qui accompagnait son défunt mari dans un cimetière brésilien a été tuée par la chute du cercueil. Celui-ci lui a fracassé le crâne lors d’un accident de la route. Selon le quotidien de Sao Paulo «Folha», la veuve était assise sur le siège passager avant lorsque le corbillard a été heurté à l’arrière par un autre véhicule. La bière de son mari, décédé la veille au soir d’une crise cardiaque lors d’une soirée dansante, lui a fracassé le crâne. Le drame s’est déroulé à une centaine de km au sud de Porto Alegre, dans le Rio Grande do Sul.

Le Temps – 30 October

To inspect:

  • –

To see:

  • Movies: Home, 7h58 ce samedi-là
  • Expo: VersionBeta (CIC, jusqu’au 14 Décembre)
  • Théatre: Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard (Carouge, jusqu’à 27 Nov)