Monthly Archives: October 2010

Modification des heures d’ouverture des magasins a Geneve

Encore une votation ou les plus impliques (cassieres, vendeurs, vendeuses) dans la pluspart ne peuvent pas voter car ils ont pas de nationalite suisse ou habitent depuis moins de huit ans dans la meme commune.

Une phrase que de plus en plus je pense: “no taxation without representation”. Ne devrait pas, tout le monde que paye des impots dans un canton, pouvoir voter?

Façam amor em vez de ir ver as lojas

No momento em que Genebra se prepara para votar sobre o alargamento dos horarios das lojas, a juventude socialista e verde juntaram-se para oferecer preservativos com este argumento.

Actualmente as lojas podem abrir ate as 19:00 de segunda a quarta, ate as 21h as quintas, ate as 19:30 as sextas e ate as 18h nos sabados.

A lei em votacao propoe que as lojas possam abrir ate as 20h de segunda a sexta, ate as 19h aos sabados e quatro domingos do ano ate as 17h.

Espero que o amor ganhe. 🙂

Pillow sizes 1

Few weeks ago in a hotel in Zurich the pillows were huge. Week after went to Graubünden/Grisons and at the hotel the pillows were also huge. I start calling them the “Swiss German pillows”. E parents also have semi-huge pillows, probably due the German mix of the family.

All my life the pillows had a certain size, unchanging. Of course not counting here the old-style portuguese “travesseiro” (which wikipedia describes as “body pillows”). “The” pillow size is, for me, (after seeing the links below I’m not sure anymore) 50x60cm.

Starts one going around Switzerland and you get another standard of pillows. You decide to buy pillow covers to your home and the standard size is 65x65cm… or 65x100cm. The semi-huge and huge pillows I described before. But the pillows you bought in IKEA the year before are 50x60cm.

Making a more deep study about standard pillow size across a few European countries, using as measure the following IKEA link: and changing the “fi/fi” by the country/language required, one gets:

Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Finland, Russia, Hungary, Poland: 50x60cm
France: 65x65cm
Germany: 40x80cm
UK, Italy: 50x80cm
Switzerland: 50×60 ad 65×65 (but other shops, like Micasa you see: 40x60cm and 65x100cm mostly)