My short Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact review
Since three weeks the XZ2 Compact has replaced my four year old Z1 Compact mobile phone.
So far so good. What I specially like is the better feeling of a high end phone – front glass, back glass fiber – better camera and a fingerprint sensor.
Compared to the previous phone, the extra weight and bigger size disturb me somehow as I get quickly tired of using only one hand to hold and type. Maybe it’s also my age 😃.
I would also change the fingerprint sensor to the side of the phone. When the phone sits on a table currently I can unlock only with pattern. Also I keep touching the sensor and unblocking the phone while it is on my trousers side pocket.
The side buttons did change position when compared with previous versions. This annoys me often as I click the power button instead of the sound buttons, turning off the screen and video I’m eventually watching. Having the fingerprint sensor on the side as in the past would probably avoid this.
The lack of headphone jack so far is not a problem, using the adaptor that comes with.
All in all I’m happy with the Xperia XZ2 Compact: good battery life, lasting two days (after the first week of adaption), good construction and nice looking. Hopefully this positive opinion Will last three or four years like for my past phone.
[Update 22.10.2018]
After receiving the upgrade to Android Pie, the battery life of the Xperia XZ2 Compact increased even more. No more signs of dodgy apps that consume 1% or 2% of battery even if you don’t use them. Now the phone lasts without problems 2 days.
Unfortunately an annoying bug got in with the Android 9 update. The default sim card (my Xperia is dual SIM) changes as soon as one loses connection to the cell. This made me already use the wrong SIM card for calls and fortunately not for data as I’ve the roaming de-activated. The default SIM card should never change automatically and this is the case until the upgrade. I’ve signaled to Sony and hopefully they will fix it soon.