How to change Goldengate Adminclient default editor permanently

Goldengate Microservices architecture replaced the “ggsci” tool with “adminclient”. This new client has few limitations and does not work well with “rlwrap” – my favorite tool to have history between sessions.

The Adminclient provides some options you can easily change after starting the tool:

$ ./adminclient
OGG (not connected) 1> show
Current directory: /home/oracle
COLOR            : OFF
DEBUG            : OFF
EDITOR           : vi
PAGER            : more
VERBOSE          : OFF

OGG (not connected) 2> set color ON
OGG (not connected) 3> set pager less

OGG (not connected) 4> show

Current directory: /home/oracle
COLOR            : ON
DEBUG            : OFF
EDITOR           : vi
PAGER            : less
VERBOSE          : OFF

However to keep the settings across sessions it is not very straight forward. The way to do it is to set variables:

$ export ADMINCLIENT_COLOR=ON  # ON, OFF in uppercase!


For the editor and pager, the variables are simply:

export EDITOR=nano
export PAGER=less

Attention that the variable EDITOR is used also by other clients, like sqlplus “edit” command.

So the way I do it, is to set everything within an alias:

alias gg="cd $OGG_HOME/bin; EDITOR=nano PAGER=less ADMINCLIENT_COLOR=ON $RLWRAP ./adminclient ; cd -"

And inside .bash_profile or something that sets the environment:

RLWRAP="$(command -v rlwrap)" && RLWRAP="${RLWRAP} -c"

export OGG_HOME="/u00/app/oracle/product/ogg/21.15"
alias gg="cd $OGG_HOME/bin; EDITOR=nano PAGER=less ADMINCLIENT_COLOR=ON $RLWRAP ./adminclient ; cd -" 

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