Yearly Archives: 2007

Passport, my friend

(written on 16th February 2007, hexapla)

Dear old passport, you will never disappear from my mind. Today I had to give you back for your final destination, when asking for a replacement. Your expiration date was close and I needed to do it. I tried to keep you my old passport, I really did. I tried to pretend I had lost you so you could spend the rest of your days intact and together with me and your replacement. You are special, my old password, you will always be. During 10 years you made me born in 1972, during this 10 years you gave me entry to several countries that I keep wonderful memories. You traveled thousands and thousands of kilometers, you went two times to the other side of the world (Hawaii and Australia), we traveled together to countries like Israel, South Korea, Mozambique, Brazil, Algeria, Gambia and many others. It was missing only the Artic to you (and me).

Dear old passport, rest well, teared apart, wherever all your pieces will go.

3-d olfact sense 1

The other day at the cinema someone was farting. Normal stuff, I also fart quite often. They were not very strong in terms of smell and I was trying to figure out where they were coming from. Then I start thinking if we have a 3 dimensional sense of smell. Can we say which smell is on our right, left, front, back?

Music: Colorado Experimental Radio

Mar e Meco / Marimekko

Sooner or later I would have to create a blog. Maybe it will last few months, but for the moment it’s here:

Few people will automatically understand the play with words of the title of my blog. But I let you discover. I like people that are curious, do not ask but find by them selves. I believe it is an important quality to know how to search and how to find.

The posting plans are few, it will be strange thoughts that come to mind, bizarres experiences I had. I want to make from the blog a bit the first part of the book Sofia is always telling me I should write. I don’t think I should/can do it. But stories will be here.

Music: Nouvelle Vague (Bande à part)
Photo: Lisbon, November 2006, Parque das Nações (taken by Giovanni)